I  really enjoy parables that holds interesting messages!

In the story of the Book “It’s not about you“, Ben has the job to convince a manufacturer of high-quality chairs to accepting a merger. Ben’s company believes it to be a good thing, but the target company is not so sure. Ben’s mindset as he starts out is: “how do I get them to do what I want them to do.”

Ben meets Aunt Elle, a mentor, and then Ben understands that it is not about him, and he learns 5 keys to success:

  1. Hold The Vision: As a leader, your job is to hold fast to the big picture, to keep seeing it in your mind’s eye, with crystal clarity, where it is you are going—that place that right at this moment exists only in your mind’s eye. And to keep seeing that, even when nobody else does.
  2. Build Your People: People are people, not resources. Every person is valuable and has talents ands skills.
  3. Do The Work: People who achieve great things that the world will never forget, start out by accomplishing small things the world will never see.
  4. Stand For Something: What you have to give, you offer least of all through what you say; in greater part through what you do; but in greatest part through who you are.
  5. Share The Mantle: It’s not about you! The moment you start thinking it’s all about you, that you’re the deal, is the moment you begin losing your capacity to positively influence others’ lives.

Powerful messages:

The Less you say, the more influence you’ll have.”

“The best way to increase your influence is to give it away.“

“Give people something goog to live up to – something great – and they usually will. In fact, often they’ll even exceed those expectations.”

“The Substance of influence is pull, not push.“

“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.” 

“The moment you begin thinking that it’s all about you, that you’re the deal, is the moment you begin losing your capacity to positively influence others’ lives.”

“Self respect is where every other kind of respect comes from. Respect from others is a reflection, not the source.”

Read the Book.

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